Which God?
Once you have accepted the thesis that there is a god, you are rightly described as a "theist," and that's great!  You've already left behind much of the decay of western secular culture.  You have already admitted that you are not the pinnacle of the cosmos, that ultimate reality lies outside of your intellect or personal experience.  You have recognized that you are dependent upon a greater power, and you are willing to be submitted to that greater power.  All of this is beautiful!  
However, there is still a long way to go in forming your worldview. 
What kind of theist are you? There are many expressions of theism around the world.  The majority of which are based on myth with very little, if any, anchors in actual history. 
The Faith of Abram
Over 4,000 years ago, a man living among pagans (which just means that he worshiped multiple deities over different aspects of nature) had an encounter that would change everything for him and for most people alive in the world today.  
Abram met God. 
The story doesn't make it sound like Abram already knew who God was.  It doesn't say that he was already worshipping this one God. It sounds like God just chose to reveal Himself to Abram and begin working through this man's life and family in a very special and unique way. 

As the story of Abram's encounter with God unfolds, one thing becomes incredibly clear: there are not actually multiple divine beings who equally deserve our worship.  There are not millions of gods.  There aren't even dozens of gods.  There is only one, and His name is Yahweh. 

This is a radically different kind of theism than what was available everywhere around Abram, but time and time again, this one God would demonstrate His love, His power, His judgment of disobedience, and His right to rule over all things.  
The faith of this man and his family is now recognized as the dawn of monotheism, the belief in only one God.  In the world today, there are three monotheistic faiths, all of which claim their origin with the faith of Abram, whom God would rename "Abraham."  These faiths are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  

Each of these faiths today points back to Abraham as their founder, but beyond that, they are very different from each other in several meaningful ways.  The most meaningful difference is what they say about the most important character in all of history: Jesus Christ. 

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So Why Christianity?
Only in Christianity is it believed that not only did God self-disclose to Abraham and Moses and the prophets, but that He also came to live among us as man.  In the person of Jesus of Nazareth, we do not have a man who knows God.  We have a man who is God. The difference can not be overstated.  When Jesus speaks, God is speaking.  When Jesus acts, God is acting. When Jesus opens a way of relationship with God, that way is open indeed. 
Judaism and Islam are based on words that they believe God gave through a prophet.  
Christianity is based on the life and words of God lived out in history and recorded in public settings with the highest degree of historical attestation. 
God was born as a baby.  God was a young child. God worked a job, went to school, and submitted to His parents.  God taught.  God healed.  God performed miracles.  God answered questions. 
God died. 
God was resurrected. 

That last fact is what helps the theist looking for his God decide which God they ought to worship.  Jesus' death was predicted hundreds of years before it happened, via a method of execution that didn't even exist at the time it was prophecied. Jesus foretold his own death and resurrection well in advance of its occurrence.   When he bodily rose from the dead, which was widely and publicly attested, he demonstrated to all that He was God come as a man.  He confirmed to all who would seek with an open mind that God had come to earth to show us who He was. 

So my friend, if you began reading this article as a theist, it is our hope that you would end this article desiring to know more about one God in particular.  It can be stated with absolute certainty that of all of the versions of god that have ever been conceived by man, none have come to live a model life before us.  None have taught clearly the truths of God.  None have answered our questions.  None have died because of our failure.  None have risen from the dead for our salvation.  
There is only one God who has done this, and He is not the invention of man.  He is known because He introduced himself to us.  He is the only self-existent Creator, the only true God. Only in Christianity is the structure of beliefs and practices around the worship of God not manmade but truly God-given.   God wants to know and be known by you.  Will you take the next step? 
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