Below you will find a selection of recent sermons from Pleasant View Bible church.  We hope that you are blessed by the ministry of the word.  Past sermons are archived on our YouTube channel. 

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"Just a Little Respect" 1 Tim 5:1-2; 5:17-6:2

Pastor Mike continues his series through 1 Tim, focusing on the respect due to three categories of people: The aged, those in the pastorate, and employers.

"An Anniversary Meal," Exodus 24

This communion message is drawn from the confirmation of the covenant in Exodus 24.

"Baptism" Romans 6:1-14

Pastor Mike preaches a sermon on baptism drawn from Romans 6:1-14.

"When Helping Isn't Always Helpful" 1 Tim 5:3-16

Pastor Mike helps us apply the principles from 1 Tim 5 about helping widows to modern-day benevolence.

"An Excellent Pastor" 1 Tim 4:12-16

Pastor Mike exposits an admonition to Timothy in our ongoing series through 1 Tim.

"The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth" 1 Tim 3:15-4:11

Our series through 1 Tim focuses on the church as a guardian of the truth of the gospel in the face of opposition.

​"Serving the Church" 1 Tim 3:8-16

Pastor Mike continues our series through 1 Timothy focusing on the description of and qualifications for the office of Deacon.

"A Man of Character, Part 2" 1 Tim 3:2-7

Pastor Mike resumes our sermon series through 1 Timothy, finishing the description of the qualifications of an elder, which Mike presents as aspirational for every Christian.

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We would love to have you join us for a service!  If you are in Northern Indiana, please come by!

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Trusting God; 1 Sam 13-14

Elder John Neuhart shares the word with us this morning with an example of stepping out in faith and trusting God to work, drawn from the life of Johnath. 

"A Man of Character" 1 Tim 3:1-2

Returning to our series through 1 Timothy, Pastor Mike begins expositing the qualifications of an elder, all of which should be aspirational for Christian men in general. 

"Boaz, A Kinsman Redeemer" Ruth 2

Pastor Mike gives us another installment in our periodic communion series looking at types of communion in the Bible.

"I Need a HEro, Part 4: None So Great as Jesus" John 1:1-17

Pastor Mike finishes our Christmas Series by looking at the exaltation of Jesus in John 1:1-17. His is the Hero we've needed all along.

​"I Need a HEro, Part 3: Jonah, an Unlikely 'Hero'"

Pastor Ty continued our series for Christmas looking at failed Messiahs. Jonah was an example of an anti-hero. Ty showed how we are like him in so many ways. We need Jesus!

I Need a HEro, Part 2: One Better Than Solomon

​Our Christmas series continues by considering Solomon as an imperfect savior who leaves us longing for a better king in Jesus.

I Need A HEro, Part 1: A Broken Crown

Pastor Jason opens our Christmas series by looking at Adam as a failed ruler of creation, leading us to desire a better Human in the person of Jesus.

"Let the Redeemed of the Lord Give Thanks," Psalm 107.

Pastor Michael's Thanksgiving sermon was taken from Psalm 107. Several pictures of the redeemed are offered in this psalm, along with reasons to give thanks to God for His acts of redemption.

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We would love to have you join us for a service!  If you are in Northern Indiana, please come by!

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