Mike relates Paul's Arrest and initial trials in Jerusalem and before Festus to our desires for a successful life. What if our definition of success is not God's?
Mike continues the series through Acts focusing on Paul's single-minded determination to fulfill God's command on his life, even if he knows it will include suffering.
In Mike's ongoing series through Acts, he focuses on Paul's final message to the elders in Ephesus before heading to Jerusalem and eventual arrest.
In his continuing study through Acts, Pastor Mike helps us identify the idols in our lives and how to combat them.
Pastor Mike continues his study through the Book of Acts. The power of Jesus' name, invoked by his followers, is the focus.
Professor Rock LaGioia from Grace Theological Seminary fills the pulpit this week and expounds Revelation 3:7-13.
Tom Stoll fills the pulpit on behalf of the Gideons and presents the ministry of the Gideons to Pleasant View.
Pastor Jason discusses the concept of Slavery in the Bible from two angles: How to answer those who use slavery as a reason to reject the Bible and why we ought to see ourselves as slaves.
Pastor Mike continues to exposit the book of Acts, contrasting what the world sees as living the "good life" with various examples of lies well-lived in this section of scripture.
Pastor Mike continues to exposit Acts. In this sermon, he demonstrates the centrality of the message of Christ's resurrection in the ministry of Paul.
Paster Mike interviews Cora Alley and relates the story of her father to the parable of the Prodigal Son.
Pastor Mike exposits a portion from the book of Acts dealing with the gospel's impact on three very different individuals. Whoever you are, the gospel will change you!
Pastor Mike continues to exposit Acts. In this sermon, the relationships in Paul's life that contributed to his ministry were the focus.
Pastor Mike continues to exposit Acts. This week, he looks at the judgment of the Jerusalem council and relates it to our modern context.
Pastor Mike looks at four interactions between Jesus and Mary and gleans several lessons for us regarding how we can "honor" our mother in all life stages.
Pastor Mike continues the Acts series and discusses the many difficulties that Paul endured in the course of his ministry on his first missionary journey, including probably being raised from the dead himself!
Pastor Mike's continued coverage of the book of Acts chronicles the point when Paul pivoted his ministry from addressing Jews to addressing gentiles.
Pastor Mike looks at the holy Spirit guidance and orchestration behind the launching of the first Pauline missionary journey.
Pastor Mike looks at several stories in a row in the book of Acts that demonstrate the spiritual struggle behind seemingly "normal" events.
Pastor Mike continues our journey through the book of Acts with the story of the conversion of Cornelius the Centurion, the first gentile convert, fulfilling the promise of the gospel going to the nations.
Pastor Mike continues our journey through the book of Acts, looking at the conversion of who would become the Apostle Paul, Saul of Tarsus.
Pastor Mike continues his sermon series through Acts, looking at two miraculous events worked by Jesus through the ministry of Peter. Jesus is still working in His church!
Mike continues the story of the spread of the gospel through the book of Acts. In the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch, the gospel, which has already spread through Judea and Samaria, goes to a foreign land. Acts 8:26-40
Pastor Mike continues his sermon series through the book of Acts. In Acts 8:1-25, we consider God's purpose lying behind some very challenging times.
Mike pauses his sermon series through Acts to answer common questions on Baptism. We had the privilege of baptizing three of our church family.
Pastor Mike continues his sermon series through the book of Acts. In Acts 5:12-42, the emphasis lies on the Christian response to suffering for our faith.
Pastor Mike continues his sermon series through the book of Acts. In this sermon through Acts 4:32-5:11, Mike compares the generosity of Barnabas with the Deceit of Ananias and Saphira and the results of both.
David Benzel, an elder and former missionary to Ukraine, filled the pulpit and exposited Colossians 2:6-10, encouraging us to embrace the sufficiency of Christ.
Pastor Mike preaches through Acts 4:1-31, focusing on the backlash that Peter and John received after healing the lame man.
This is your sub-headline
Pastor Mike continues his study through Acts by looking at the healing at the man lame from birth in Chapter 3.
Pastor Mike exposits Phil 3:12-14 to point us toward a Biblical attitude of continued struggle to become the people that God desires us to be.
Pastor Jason returns to the book of Acts to continue the series "The Sequel." This sermon looks at the four core commitments of the early church. Acts 2:42-47.
Pastor Mike relates the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem to the final victory over death realized in Christ's death and resurrection. Heb 2:14-15
Pastor Jason explains why God, who cannot lie, die, or fail, needed to be incarnated in order to fulfill his promise of dealing with the curse of death. Gen 3:15; Gal 4:4-5
Pastor Mike continues our Christmas focus on Christ's incarnation, focusing on how Christ was God's perfect communication with us. Hebrews 1:1-3
Pastor Kevin kicks off our Christmas series focusing on Christ's incarnation. He lays the foundational understanding of what Christ's incarnation is and how it is to be understood, based on John 1:1-14.
Pastor Mike continues our sermon series through Acts. Acts 2:14-41
Our Thanksgiving Message, based on Ephesians 5:17-20
Part 2 in Mike's Sermon comparing Acts 2 and Exodus 19-20, part of our series through Acts.
The first of two sermons comparing Pentecost Sunday (Acts 2) with Sukkot, from Leviticus 23:4-8
Pastor Mike Continues our sermon series through Acts. Acts 1:12-26
Pastor Mike launches the Acts series. Acts 1:1-11